Owncloud 6 Could Not Find Driver

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I have downloaded owncloud version 6.0.3 and. To create the admin user it saying that 'error while trying to create admin user.could not find driver'. Jan 29, 2014 owncloud installation problem on linux RHEL 6. Owncloud-6.0.1-5.1.noarch has missing requires of php-pear-MDB2-Driver-mysql i owncloud-6.0.1-5.1.

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I encountered this bug after having entered the MySQL data during installation. I think, that the following is (currently) unclear, and I will file a separate issue: During installation, when choosing MySQL, it is not clear what the Datenbank-Benutzer (database user) and Datenbank-Password (database password) is, is it • the MySQL root user and root password; or • what else? This should be made unambiguously clear in the texts of because you cannot expect that the installing user reads a manual or documentation when installing. Please supply correct and unambiguous text theres.

Kdslkdsaldsal, thanks very much for looking at this. However, I would think that if PHP were misconfigured, then phpMyAdmin would also not function. However, phpMyAdmin functions with the same PHP configuration that the ownCloud 10 install failed on.

Moreover, phpMyAdmin can access my MySQL database just fine. I don't want to change any configurations on PHP unless this is clearly the cause of my problem.

Then again, just maybe said PHP configuration could selectively fail Owncloud 10? Any help in looking into this would be welcome because I'm a noob on PHP. Thanks, Phil. Hi Again, My problem appears to be similar to that posted in: and from this post I noticed: ######################### I had the same problem concerning what you've cited above: 'exception 'Doctrine DBAL DBALException' with message 'Failed to connect to the database: An exception occured in driver: could not find driver' in /var/www/owncloud/lib/private/db/connection. Superstamps Download Itunes on this page. php:54' I solved it. The problem (in my case) was caused by different php version for 'the command line' and for the serving side via 'apache'. Occ needs to use the same php version.

Check the php version at the command line 'php -v' for example PHP7.0.2 check the php version which the serving-side is using via e.g. Creating a info.php with the content: ' this gives as output e.g. PHP 5.6.17 So the difference is PHP7.0.2 and PHP5.6.17. Btw the occ command is php based also. I solved the problem by installing PHP5.6.17 at the 'command line' side as well so it is the same as at 'serving side'. But we're not there yet in case you have multiple php versions on your system. If the 'php -v' doesn't give PHP5.6.17 you have to create a new alias for php (assuming the correct version is also stored in the file system, otherwise install it).

Locate the correct php version with 'whereis php'. Change the alias to the correct path until the 'php -v' gives the same version as the 'serving side' php version.

############################################ Perhaps my phpMyAdmin installation uses a different version of php than OC or is indicating the wrong version? I think my root cause is similar to other recent posters' issues with Ubuntu 14.04 and OC 9x->10 upgrade.

Apparently, this required upgrading PHP from 5.5.9 to 5.6.x and Ubuntu 14.04 uses PHP 5.5.9. So, it appears that I need to upgrade my PHP to at least 5.6.x but I have two questions namely: • will ownCloud 10 work with PHP 7.x? • Could someone kindly point me in the proper direction as how to properly migrate from PHP 5.5.9 to 5.6.x or 7.x? Last time, I tried using a ppa (see my original post) but that apparently gave problems. Apparently there's a command line invoked PHP and other PHP which is called by the http server. I'm thinking that my installation has these different? Any idea how to tell what PHP that Apache is using?

Apparently it isn't the one I get via the command php -v. Dell Driver Alienware M17x R3. By the way, I retain copies of my old OS configuration, so I can recover from failed installations.