The Marathon Monks Of Mount Hiei Book Pdf

The Marathon Monks Of Mount Hiei Book Pdf

The Download Full Metal Panic Fumoffu Sub Indo. Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone. But the 'marathon monks' of Japan's sacred Mount Hiei. Download my free PDF guide. The hills of Mount Hiei. 3 Lessons on Mental Toughness and Commitment. The mental toughness of the Marathon Monks is incredible and. The Marathon Monk of Mount Hiei. Download a pdf version of this article. Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei. Book, Echo Point Books & Media. Author John Stevens, in his book, The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei, describes the long distance walking style which dates back over a thousand years.

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Kaihogyo takes 7 years to complete. In the first 300 days of the pilgrimage, the monk will have to run 40 km each day. Literally, a marathon a day for the whole year! However, in the 4th to 5th year, he will only be running for 200 consecutive days. In the 6th year, he will run a distance of 60 km for 100 days. The final year is the toughest for the monk, as he will run double the length (84 km) for 100 consecutive days. The monks need to wear a pure white robe and straw sandals which makes it difficult for them to walk through paved mountains.

In the first few years, they are not allowed to wear any socks for protection. The training goes side by side with a diet of vegetables, tofu and miso soup. He has a rope belt tied around his waist with a knife. This is a strict reminder that should he fail to finish the challenge, he should hang himself with the rope and disembowel himself with the knife. Very few of the abbots of Mt. Hiei have achieved kaihogyo.

So far, only 46 men have completed the challenge since 1885. It is an ardent task to do as one has to combine the marathon with meditation and calligraphy. It is considered to be the most demanding physical and mental challenge in the world! For the Tendai sect, the marathon is something that will exhaust every part of your body until nothing is left. Fulfilling the marathon will fill the empty space left behind which gives you a sense of oneness with the universe.