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Api 14a Latest Edition Of People. Her father reached out to her on Facebook when she was in high school, and after the two met up she went to go stay with him for a week. They had sex that week, her first time, and were soon dating. 'It lasted for about an hour and there was a lot of foreplay,' she says. 'We both had orgasms. We are so similar, so it’s so easy to sexually please each other.

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For example, we both love neck-biting. I’ve never been in a more passionate, loving, fulfilling situation.' The two are not even hiding their situation, with many around them aware of what is going on between them. 'Everyone on my mom’s side of the family sees us as father and daughter,' she explains. 'Those who know that he’s my dad, and that we are engaged, include my father’s parents (they can see we are happy together and they can’t wait for us to have babies they treat us just like any other couple), the woman we live with, and my best friend.'