Oracle Bi Server 1 Odbc Driver


Use the Driver to connect Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) to and provide real time access to your objects. This enables you to present Salesforce data to users who request business intelligence information via the BI user interfaces.

Oracle Bi Server Odbc Driver Download

The principal connection to an OBI Server inside the Oracle BI System is made through an Odbc Connection. OBI Server can handle multiple repository but you can connect to only one at the same time by DSN Odbc Connection. Therefore, you must set up an ODBC connection for each repository. ODBC Driver for Oracle. Mechanisms that provide bi-directional mapping between any Oracle and ODBC. ODBC Driver for SQL Server. Oracle BI Server ODBC Kaushik Solanki Aug 8, 2011 1:25 AM (in response to rsondak ). To connect to Oracle BI Server you can use the ODBC connection. All you have to do is create a user DSN to connect to Oracle Server and then use this ODBC connection in Qlikview to Connect to Oracle Server.

The Driver is available to download from the Easysoft web site: • Download the. () • Install and license the Driver on the machine where the BI Admin Tool is installed. For installation instructions, see the. Before you can use the Driver to connect OBIEE to Salesforce, you need to configure an data source.

An data source stores the connection details for the target database (e.g. and the driver that is required to connect to it (e.g. The driver).

Download Aircrack 2 3 Windows From The Outside. You configure data sources in Administrator, which is included with Windows. To run Administrator on 32-bit Windows, open Administrative Tools in Control Panel, and then open Data Sources (). (On older versions of Windows, the Control Panel applet that launches Administrator is labelled Data Sources.) To run Administrator on 64-bit Windows, in the Windows Run dialog box, type:%windir% system32 odbcad32.exe If you are not sure whether your version of Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit, follow the instructions for running Administrator on 64-bit Windows.