Greddy Emanage Blue Software Serial Arduino

Greddy Emanage Blue Software Serial Arduino

Sep 25, 2017 the usb port on the emanage blue is technically a serial. Alphasim Fsx Freeware 757. To be able to get the Greddy or cloned cables and the software. Help making an emanage.

Anyone in Atlanta have the emanage blue software CD and USB cable that I could borrow/burn for this weekend? I am trying to get lethal injections to tune for me on Friday and for some reason my kit didnt come with the tuning software CD (i got the full turbo kit. But I guess they just want you to have to buy one extra thing with a $3000 kit) If anyone can help me out please please please! The base maps suck ***. Just like everyone said they would. If no one is willing to loan me the support tool I guess I can pony up the $$$ to buy one off of someone who might have this stuff for sale.

Thanks everyone.the hatching of a three year old plan. Modified by farlsmagee6 at 3:20 PM. Some of the people there are saying that the usb to usb cable doesnt work with emanage blue.

Only with ultimate. Are they nuts? Or are they actually right? I would hope I dont have to use the usb to serial cable. Universal Beam Autocad Blocks Download here.

But heres a thought. If you can just use a standard usb to 9 pin serial cable (can you?), couldnt you just hook up to cords back to back: emanage USB --->male serialfemale serial --->USBlaptop is this possible without having to purchase the cable? I just need one by tomorrow and dont want to wait four or five days to have one shipped.

Especially during thanksgiving week. Here is the deal from someone who knows. You cannot just use a USB to USB A style cable. It has to be TTL to USB, so you have to use a DKU-5 and make one, or you can get the car-hacker cable for USB to USB. If you can deal with RS232 Gilligan_rocks makes one, but I couldn't get him to make me one. As far as the software, go to, they have a link to download whatever version you need.

If you can get a DKU-5 in your area I can send you some links on how to use it. Also, there is some talk that the Belkin Serial =>USB works to talk to emanage. Check the Yahoo! Group emanage for more information on any of the above info. Prodigy Discography Torrent Mp3 Reggae. Basically, the only way you MIGHT have it tommorrow is to wire up your own, or get the Belkin.

Hey all, after pouring over the internet for several hours, i have found two guides on how this is done. I got a deal on an emanage blue with ignition and fuel harnesses, a greddy type-s bov and a 28x6x3 FMIC for $250 which i couldn't pass up. The only downside is that the emanage didn't come with the cable. These are the two guides to make one I have found: The first one is good, shows the importance of finding the TX and RX, but doesn't explain how to use hyperterminal and exactly where each cable goes on the other end of the USB.

The second one shows pictures and how the colors match up, but no cable is the same and I doubt I can find the exact same dku-5 cable with the exact same colors that I found in the guide. Can anyone shed some light on this? I keep finding references to which seemed to have plenty of info. I have been all over the yahoo groups, i have searched on nicoclub, google, and just about everywhere else. I have had luck finding a write-up on yahoo groups, however all of the links and pictures are broken.

There is a writeup in the Files section of the emanage yahoo group. The link to the file is there, but an error gets returned that says 'file not accessible', which I don't understand because these files are hosted on yahoo's servers. It's not like they're hosted somewhere else that could be unreliable. Any help is much appreciated, thanks. Modified by airman86 at 1:29 PM 3/20/2009 Modified by airman86 at 6:09 AM 3/21/2009.

100% positive. With the pressure sensor and the ignition harness harness for the EM you can pull timing and add fuel based on boost pressure. It's a decent system but has all the same drawbacks of any other piggyback system. The bad thing when I used it 4 or 5 years ago was price.

By the time you purchased the box, harness, ignition harness, pressure sensor, software and cable. You were almost up to half the cost of a stand alone. I'm sure by finding used parts now you can get up and running much cheaper. I've got the cable wired up. I know the cable is working because of a successful loopback test with hyperterminal (touch the tx and rx wires together). However, something that has bothered me since i have gotten this unit is the 'interaction' light stays on, regardless of whether or not it's hooked up to a PC.