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Every night.' Starting with the moment Jon Lester picked the Cubs late on a memorable Tuesday evening, it felt like an earthquake rippled through the Manchester Grand Hyatt. And the transactions started flying.

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But not just the usual flurry of free-agent signings, large and small. We saw an incredible succession of trades (not all of them official yet), involving the likes of Matt Kemp, Dee Gordon, Jimmy Rollins, Yoenis Cespedes, Rick Porcello, Mat Latos, Wade Miley, Howie Kendrick and Dee Gordon.

These weren't salary dumps or money deals. These were baseball deals.

Involving big-name major league players. And they kept coming, one after another.

'You know what it reminded me of?' Jennings laughed. 'The grand finale of a fireworks show. Carti Retete Culinare Pdf Viewer. ' We know that trying to absorb all that action, all at once, isn't easy.

So we're here to help -- with our annual take on the winners and losers of the winter meetings. The winter meetings winners. Chicago Cubs What's not to like? Reeling in Lester was a franchise-changing event. But that wasn't all the Cubs accomplished.

Don't forget Miguel Montero. And Jason Hammel. All in the wake of the hiring of manager Joe Maddon.

And suddenly, the Cubs weren't pointing for 2016 or 2017 anymore. They have lots more to do, and lots of young players to develop, before we can say they're up there with the Cardinals or Pirates. But after this week, it's official. The future has arrived. Chicago White Sox Since practically day one of this offseason, White Sox GM Rick Hahn has been in attack mode, trying to fix the issues of a team that lost as many games (89) as the Cubs and Phillies and lost nearly as many as the Astros. He added Adam LaRoche and Zach Duke before he even arrived in San Diego. He had Jeff Samardzija and David Robertson stuffed in his travel bag by the time he left.