Change Setup Icon Advanced Installer For Java

Change Setup Icon Advanced Installer For Javascript

Hi IbrahimKhan, The default icon of MSI packages is associated by Windows Installer which is a system component. It's not package specific.

But we can change the icon associated with all MSI packages on a machine. If you're using Windows OS prior to Vista, open Windows Explorer and select menu 'Tools Folder Options'. Beneath The Pyramids Andrew Collins Pdf Reader more. In the Folders Options dialog, switch to the File Types tab.

Change Setup Icon Advanced Installer For Java

Select the.msi file type in the listbox and click the Advanced button below. In the Edit File Type window, click the Browse button to browse to the icon you want. If you're using Windows Vista, you have to modify the registry editor manually to change file type icon. Click on Start, and in the Start Search field type 'regedit.exe' and then press Enter. If prompted by User Account Control, provide consent or provide the appropriate credentials. In the Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT Msi.Package DefaultIcon key. Change the data of the (Default) Value to the path of the icon you want.